Archive for » October 23rd, 2009«

Gay Christian Links and Resources

I’ve added a few links to the right column so far. More will be added over time.

I wanted to say though, that this blog is not about me trying to convince anyone of “truth”. I believe we are each responsible before God for our own lives. I do believe people should research and study and discover ALL points of view on subjects before finding their peace with what they believe. It may be that some of the links provided here are very much one-sided in their beliefs, but I will try to provide balance.

Some specifics to look at:

  • Gay Christian Network (GCN): This is probably the biggest and most well known Gay Christian organisation. I’d like to highlight their “Great Debate” resource for those who are searching. Justin (Side A) believes God blesses gay marriage, while Ron (Side B) believes Gay Christians are called to celibacy.
  • This site has some good resources on interpreting the Bible, as well as other Psychological and Medical points of view on homosexuality.
  • Les Be Pure: I discovered this site which happens to have a similar naming convention to mine (clever peeps 🙂 ). This is interesting, as Kori Ashton was part of an “ex-gay” movement for years, but is now happily engaged to her partner Rebecca.
  • I am a Gay Christian: This site looks to have a lot of good resources. I think it’s still fairly new.

Lastly, I wanted to let you know about an excellent sermon from Gateway Church in Texas.

I hope you find some of these resources useful. As mentioned above, I am not trying to push any belief, but rather encourage research and thought and discussion. 🙂

Les Be Real! 🙂

Myth 1: I woke up one day and decided to be gay!

It’s actually hard to believe how clueless some people still are! Even now, in the 21st century, some people seem to think gay people woke up one day and made a choice. I mean, yeah, what a great idea! I want to be constantly ridiculed, judged, condemned, kicked out, rejected by family, and discriminated against, YES! What a great idea. Not to mention shrinking the pool of fish in the sea by an order of magnitude! Surely my chances of finding a soul mate would be better if I fish in my own pond! Les Be Real people.. ask any gay person.. they would not choose to be gay.. it’s a MUCH harder life to live.. do yourself a favour, and just think about it without all your ridiculous pre-conceived ideas.. and imagine if you were gay. In fact, scratch that.. if you are as straight as you may profess to be.. what on this earth would ever make you decide to change your mind and be gay?!