Tag-Archive for » Gay «

Chely Wright is Free

Once again, I am posting late compared to most web buzz, but I wanted to share this too. Chely Wright, who is an American Country artist, also born in Kansas (as was Jennifer Knapp) has come out as a lesbian. This makes her the first major country singer to publicly come out. Trust me, this is big!

Chely appeared on Oprah last week, discussing her story. She speaks of how she has felt trapped her whole life, knowing she way gay, but knowing she could not come out. Chely, who is Christian, was taught from a young age, that homosexuality is a sin, associated with drunkard, thief, and adulterer. One of the most amazing parts on the Oprah episode are the words of her father.

Check out the Oprah interview:

Chely on Oprah Part 2
Chely on Oprah Part 3

Chely has released a new album, and her autobiography titled “Like Me”.

Chely is standing for an important message to all… “people are being told they are damaged goods, but they are not!”. Chely wants to help others to stop living a lie.

Thank you Chely Wright for standing up, and speaking out.

Myth 10: Tell them they’re sinning, that’ll fix ’em!

It saddens me to see that when a Christian, who has probably battled through the Scriptures with God countless times on this topic, comes out as gay, that so many people immediately start quoting scripture, telling them they are sinning, and quite honestly show no love. Trust me, this is not helping. We know what the Bible says, and how most Christians interpret it.

Before we found the courage to come out, in knowingly Christian surroundings, we spent countless hours researching these Scriptures, praying and asking God for guidance and understanding. It saddens me how many straight Christians don’t even consider doing a proper study into the passages that rebuke homosexuality. What do you honestly feel is achieved by telling a gay Christian that homosexuality is sin? Do us all a favour and study those passages properly before using them as weapons, in the so called name of trying to save a fellow brother or sister.

Most of us have tried to be straight. Most of us know, our same gender attraction will not go away, no matter how much we pray, try, date the opposite sex, or focus on other things.

We know what the Bible says. We have battled through the passages. We have called out to our loving, welcoming, grace giving Father. We are loved and accepted in Him, and we are free.

Remember not to judge. Love does not judge, and it does not condemn, and it does not reject or cast out. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, who died to save ALL of us.

Pray for African Human Rights!

It is heartbreaking to read news of the 14 year with hard labour sentence passed for 2 consenting adult gay men in Malawi. I quite frankly do not believe religion, culture, or tradition should enforce penalties against consenting adult same gender relations! Even if you believe homosexuality is sin, even if it goes against your culture, it should not be criminal to love somebody. People should not be locked in jail, and forced into hard labour for being gay. This is a HUMAN RIGHTS issue, not a religious, cultural, or traditional one!

The rest of Africa has remained silent… most disturbing about this is South Africa, the only African country with legalised gay marriage. But then, I am not all that surprised, and I pray that fears of JZ changing the legislation never transpire into reality. Pray for African Human Rights!

Jennifer Knapp is Awesome!

Jennifer Knapp

Jennifer Knapp

So, this is old news already, but I wanted to have my say. Christian musician Jennifer Knapp is back on the music scene, and has come out as a lesbian. This naturally caused a major media flurry, as the once Grammy nominated, Dove Award winning Christian artist, bravely re-enters the music scene after +-8 years, horrifying many of her previous fan base by her announcement! See the 4 part Larry King Live interview on youtube.

I used to listen to Jennifer Knapp in the late 90’s, early 2000’s. I always enjoyed her music, and the vibe or attitude her music had. I personally am ecstatic about her being back on the music scene, as well as being brave in coming out. What is MOST impressive about this though, is that she stands firm on her beliefs. She is not attempting to avoid her Christian fans. She boldly states that she IS a person of faith, and I know that this is a very real part of her.

Her new music is not specifically marketed to Christian markets, but it is sad that people would actually stop listening to her music because she is gay. Many Christians are saying how sad they are that she has chosen a path of sin, many are throwing the clobber passages at her, many are rude, harsh, and showing no signs of Christ in them as they throw stones at Jen. Thankfully, there are many of us who are behind her 100%. Standing up and asking those who judge to move on.

Her newest album “Letting Go” was released earlier this month, and seems to be doing well on the charts so far. I’ve been listening to it online… but definitely going to get myself a copy! It’s AWESOME!

Go Jen! Stand firm, you are a beautiful child of God! 🙂

Myth 9: You have to sleep with a man before you know you’re a lesbian

Once again, this is one of those myths that you simply turn around to prove how ridiculous it is: Did you have to sleep with the opposite sex before you knew you were straight? Or… have you slept with the same sex before knowing you’re straight? People know before they have sex with anyone who they are attracted to. This should be obvious! I don’t even think I need to elaborate on it. Do I?

I will just add this… the fact is that generally, especially for women, their first sexual experience is not great anyway! For many women, it hurts, or the guy is done in 30 seconds and she is left wondering… was that it?! So, even straight women would probably agree that simply trying sex with a man is not sufficient to establish whether one is gay or not. Straight women may not like their first sexual experiences with men, but remain perfectly straight!

And just to take it a little too far 😉 … I reckon that a lot of straight people who do in fact try sex with the same gender will find it surprisingly pleasing… so beware! 😉

Myth 8: You just haven’t met the right man yet!

Firstly, I personally know many straight single ladies who have not yet met their soulmate. I do not personally know any of these who have decided to switch teams because they have not met the right man yet… do you? If there are such individuals, they’re probably more likely bisexual if they are really honest!

Secondly, it is not because I personally have had any bad experiences with men. Sure, I know men I would definitely stay away from romantically, and I know many women who have unfortunately been hurt by men. This for the most part also does not make people switch teams.

I guess you would think it silly if I said to you, that you’re straight because you haven’t met the right [same sex as you] person yet? Well exactly! That’s why this myth is ridiculous!

Also, if you take a read through “My Story” you will find that I have not been avoiding meeting “the right man”. You will find that I am certainly not opposed to falling in love with a man… but that is not my natural inclination. And if I did end up with a man, that will not cure me of being attracted to women. I will always be attracted to women, but I am monogamous and committed, so if I end up with a man, then that is the person I will love with all my heart. I have known plenty of fantastic men in my life. Guys who certainly were very good marriage material, and most of them are now married! The point is that it is not about meeting the right man. Being gay or lesbian is about who we are attracted to, and in our case, it’s the same sex, not the opposite. It is not simply a case of meeting the right man.

Will Phillips (age 10) takes a stand for gay rights

Will Phillips, age 10, refused to stand and pledge allegiance to his country until gays and lesbians are legally allowed marry! Wow, what an inspiration!

Will Phillips for president! 🙂

Real Christianity – a refreshing sermon from Bayside Church

This is a sermon that I found so encouraging. It’s the kind of message that I wish more Christians (gay and straight) could hear. It is refreshing to know that there are churches out there who are challenging the way the church has treated homosexuals, and helping people to really think and understand what it really means to be gay.

This message is not about whether it is wrong or right to live in a loving, committed, long term, monogamous, Christian same-sex relationship, but rather how the Church (Christian people) should treat homosexual people. Thank you to Pastor Rob Buckingham for sharing this message.

Please listen to this message, and pass it along to people you think may be encouraged or challenged.

Misty Irons: A Shining Example of a Straight Christian

Misty Irons is a straight, married with kids, evangelical Christian, but her attitude towards the LGBT community is a shining example to all! I had not heard of or come across Misty Irons or her writings before, but for years, she has been writing about the controversial topic of homosexuality and the Bible.

Misty has done what I believe ALL straight people should do.. and that is to step aside from our “built-in” beliefs and assumptions of what it means to be gay, and truly look at what it really means. She is one of what appears to be very few straight Christians out there, who has come to a real understanding of what it really means to be gay. In doing this, Misty does not judge, but has great compassion for the LGBT community. She has not compromised her faith in God, but rather (in my opinion) done exactly what Jesus would do in her love for God and all of His people in this world.

Listen to Misty Irons on the latest edition of GCN Radio.

Myth 7: Keep your kids away from us, we’re contagious!

Ok so maybe some of you are thinking this one is a little over the top – surely no-one actually believes this?! Well… hopefully not, but then I’m not convinced. It’s maybe not so much that people believe homosexuality is caught like a common cold, but rather that we must be a bad influence on society.

Here’s the thing… I believe that parents should raise their kids to respect all people, have open non-judgmental discussions with their kids about different people in the world, and teach them to find their own standing in God. That way, there should be no discrimination, and no fear of the mere presence of a gay or lesbian person having any impact on another. That said, if the child is in fact also gay, then they will probably feel some sort of understanding with the gay and lesbian people they meet. It would not be the gay person’s bad influence – it would be who they are.

The point is this… God so loved the world (the whole world)… that He sent His only Son to die… that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16). There are no exclusions in that. And… even though there will always be many people in this world who do not believe in Him… that does not give any Christian the right to judge or discriminate against any other human being. We are all created by Him and in His image. We have no right to disrespect God’s creation, regardless of where they stand before Him. That is for God, and God only, to decide one day.

Another very important thing to note, is that I do not know a single gay person who would force, convince, or even desire anyone else to be gay… it’s not an easy life… just as mentioned in Myth 1… it’s not chosen… and why would it be?!