Myth 7: Keep your kids away from us, we’re contagious!

Ok so maybe some of you are thinking this one is a little over the top – surely no-one actually believes this?! Well… hopefully not, but then I’m not convinced. It’s maybe not so much that people believe homosexuality is caught like a common cold, but rather that we must be a bad influence on society.

Here’s the thing… I believe that parents should raise their kids to respect all people, have open non-judgmental discussions with their kids about different people in the world, and teach them to find their own standing in God. That way, there should be no discrimination, and no fear of the mere presence of a gay or lesbian person having any impact on another. That said, if the child is in fact also gay, then they will probably feel some sort of understanding with the gay and lesbian people they meet. It would not be the gay person’s bad influence – it would be who they are.

The point is this… God so loved the world (the whole world)… that He sent His only Son to die… that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16). There are no exclusions in that. And… even though there will always be many people in this world who do not believe in Him… that does not give any Christian the right to judge or discriminate against any other human being. We are all created by Him and in His image. We have no right to disrespect God’s creation, regardless of where they stand before Him. That is for God, and God only, to decide one day.

Another very important thing to note, is that I do not know a single gay person who would force, convince, or even desire anyone else to be gay… it’s not an easy life… just as mentioned in Myth 1… it’s not chosen… and why would it be?!

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